The Art of Living is indeed an Art. Inventing a universe, taking pleasure in decorating a house, setting a table, sharing the good and the beautiful, cultivating the happiness of each moment. Since 1830, Christofle has been creating with elegance and know-how, an exceptional table art, refined jewellery and home accessories.
Maison Christofle uses entirely handmade manufacturing. The previous trades of spinning, embossing, carving, engraving, perpetuated by its craftsmen immortalise the qualities of elegance and excellence, and constitutes the living heritage of Christofle.

Beyond the excellence in silversmithing that forged the illustrious house's reputation and success, Christofle's research into shapes and a culture steeped in the rarest materials are what make their collections so singular. Quite simply, offering Christofle to others or oneself is to experience the Art of Living at its most joyful.

Christofle's creations encompass a number of universes, from dining and entertaining, to home accessories and gifting. Whether you're enhancing your Art of Living, or bringing Art to your table, Christofle's living heritage bestows the perfect pieces.

Christofle - The Art of Sharing

Infini Christofle

Christofle - Gilding & Talisman

It is the irreplaceable know-how of the human hand perpetuated by highly qualified craftsmen, passed down from master to apprentice, which constitutes Christofle's living heritage.